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hardwood profusion before the hole

(Reporter Li Funing Xinxing intern correspondent Peng Meng Xi) just a few days time, Gongcheng Hemou on fallen from the creator of a life of deprived life. Because newborn daughter have physical defects,hollister france, Hemou actually cruel to be discarded in the inaccessible cave. Recently,http://gzjszg.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=31283, Hemou was arrested on suspicion of murder, was arrested the local procuratorate.
When Dad this is a very happy and proud to do,http://www.emr4u.net/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, when to July 7th daughter was born,http://www.haokc.com/space/space.php?uid=941114&do=blog&id=3252511,tn pas cher, but also how Lebuqilai Hemou. Because her daughter was diagnosed at birth with congenital cleft lip, cleft palate, which is commonly known as the "lip" and "Wolf swallow."
Depressed Hemou quickly to his wife and daughter for the discharge procedures. At home, fed her daughter looked at his wife repeatedly and failed,louboutin pas cher, and then think about the future for her daughter needed to treat the huge medical expenses,  had to abandon the idea.
July 9, her daughter was born just two days away,hollister sale, Hemou to take advantage of his wife to sleep, quietly holding her daughter in a nearby cave. The cave entrance is narrow,nike tn pas cher, hardwood profusion before the hole,hogan outlet, usually very few people go. Hemou daughter discarded after the deepest corner of the cave, he cruel to leave.
Hemou thought mysteriously, but things did not take long brought to light.
July 11 at noon, the villagers Huang cave at a distance of one hundred meters away orchard work, suddenly began to rain heavily, he ran into the cave shelter. In the cave, Huang heard the muffled sound of a baby, and follow the sound to touch the deepest cave,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,abercrombie pas cher, culminating in a snakeskin in the dying infant found. After the baby hold out the cave, Huang immediately reported to the police.
Investigation by public security organs,hogan outlet, Hemou soon be arrested. Recently, Hemou suspicion of intentional homicide has been arrested Gongcheng Procuratorate.
Prosecutors handling the case said that, on the surface, abandoned crime and homicide are the people who have refused to support obligations to raise, and abandoned the victim's behavior. However, detailed analysis,woolrich donna,http://www.bpyz.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=92036, two offenses are not the same man's subjective purpose, the crime of abandonment is their duty to fulfill the perpetrator attempts to pass abandonment,tiffany outlet,http://www.miyuehui.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=411180, reached evade their support obligations or passed on to others for the purpose; and intentional homicide of subjective intent is unlawful deprivation of life of others.
Due to different subjective purpose, place the implementation abandon behavior differ. The crime of abandonment is generally able to obtain the victim abandoned in rescue or can not easily be hurt places, such as his family door, stations,http://1.ts.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=87918&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=5686676, terminals, blocks, etc.,scarpe hogan, hoping that someone picked up on behalf of dependents. And for intentional homicide, due to its hopes to achieve the purpose of depriving abandoned baby's life, so much is placed on the victim can not obtain relief or easily hurt places,http://bbs.cathay-times.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=204329, such as wild animals in the mountains trench,woolrich outlet, inaccessible wilderness and so on.



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