

标题: pay attention to whether the suspicious persons around or suspicious items
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pay attention to whether the suspicious persons around or suspicious items

[Speed ??Reading] Zhuhai, a female employee of a company in Nanping Zhenmou bookstore reading,http://gackt.1st.gr.jp,nike tn pas cher, found a close adult men put their right foot behind your skirt extends below the female employees suspected of being photographed,air jordan pas cher,http://bbs.zhidu9.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=34362, they call the police . Nanping police station found the man wore sandals in a mobile phone.
The evening of June 19,woolrich outlet, a Japanese man convicted of videotaping women using the video equipment skirts,piumini moncler outlet, were sentenced on the 5th of administrative detention by the police.
According to Beaconsfield police,http://www.tocns.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=0, a female employee of a company in Zhuhai in Nanping Zhenmou bookstore reading, found a close adult men put their right foot behind their skirts extends below the female employees suspected of being photographed,moncler outlet, they immediately Call the police. Nanping police station found the man wore sandals in a mobile phone. The police investigation has revealed that the man the Japanese,[url=http://ensembleada.com/publicity_next12/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=225&page=2http://ensembleada.com/publicity_next12/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=225&page=2[/url], Nanping Technology Park,scarpe hogan uomo, a company's employees to bead work for three months. The man admitted videotaping women privacy. Police imposed a penalty on the 5th of administrative detention.
In the hot summer months, many women friends like wearing a skirt,moncler sito ufficiale,http://www.fcyhw.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=223414&fromuid=946, both cool and nice. Few criminals take advantage of this situation videotaping,http://www.lot-net.jp/bbs/epad.cgi?del=1084614, peeping privacy of others cases has increased. Police,moncler outlet sito ufficiale, using videotaping equipment candid in Zhuhai,http://forum.replica.it/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=32,scarpe hogan outlet, peeping privacy of others cases are extremely rare. In order to effectively prevent and reduce recurrence of such criminal acts Zhuhai recently,nike tn, the city police have stepped up the case for invasion of privacy and publicity guard crackdown. Police remind the public of female friends,nike tn pas cher 2013, in their daily lives especially when out in public places, pay attention to whether the suspicious persons around or suspicious items,http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~moonlight-surf/joyful/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=9335,mulberry outlet, unusual can call 110.



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