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标题: RongGui official informed that the Department of Education yesterday morning [打印本页]

作者: 江口高耗能估    时间: 2014-10-15 01:25     标题: RongGui official informed that the Department of Education yesterday morning

In connection with the theft incident classroom
Injured students are still currently injured ICU stay in hospital for observation
Related aspects have opened investigations
(Reporter Xiao Ying, Liang Chao meter) yesterday morning, in Guizhou hospital ICU emergency room,, just had five hours of surgery Fu (a pseudonym) is still in a deep coma, and the side of his father carefully hand fixed in bed. April 24 evening 9:30 Xu, Fu teacher for being recruited conversation,hogan outlet italia, the two sides in a dispute to communicate, Fu will take advantage of people do not pay attention suddenly jumped over the fence floor to the third floor,, leading to its legs crushed fractures, is currently being rescue.
The reason for the student falls, schools and parents to recognize and theft classroom shortly before the occurrence of an incident, before jumping,hogan spaccio, Fu teacher being called the father of their pocket money to understand the recent situation. However, the school emphasizes,scarpe hogan saldi,, teacher and parents of the incident has not denied this statement to the theft occurred a few days ago .
Event: The teacher student jumped the fence during the questioning turned
Yesterday morning,moncler online originali,, the reporter went to the school RongGui park, falls on the third floor of the office building located at the location of the corridor, while Fu jumped floor, just off on a hard stone.
According to the school's Lau introduced just after the completion time of the incident the next night classes, were jointly week class teacher to the office to understand the situation, there are other three classmates. Fu's turn to talk with the teacher,hogan interactive outlet, he became agitated mood, from time to time to get up to move around. To be safe, let Chou Fu live to see another student, their parents called to learn Fu pocket money situation.
At this time, Fu took advantage of the teacher and students do not pay attention to call,, suddenly came out of the office hallway, directly over the fence to jump down. After the incident, the school immediately to the police, the Fu to the hospital for treatment.
Reporters at the hospital learned that Fu's legs fractured, has also been hit head bleeding more, however, the situation is relatively stable Fu, specific treatment plan to wait two or three days depending on the rehabilitation of the situation.
Parents: Student falls or being suspected of stealing money
To verify the situation, reporters at the hospital found Fu's parents, the mother of Miss Zeng Fu, as early as April 22 afternoon, the school held a basketball game,prezzo hogan, Fu class only one person who did not do as sportswear and stay in the classroom, during which also leave the classroom. After classmates back, there are three students found 300 yuan gone, then report to Chou. That night, Chou Fu asked to words. "Chou's own admission, she was directly asked my son is not stolen the money,moncler vendita, my son said no, she called my son in a week to find out the thief, it makes my son very frustrated."
Ms Tsang said the two days since, Fu's emotions are fairly stable.
The evening of April 24, Chou Fu questioning look again, when Fu was brought to the office very excited and kept wailed. Subsequently, Zhou Fu's face in front of the teacher and his father's phone rang, understand Fu pocket money situation.
"My son's self-esteem is very strong,hogan uomo 2013, he may feel that the teacher did not believe him." Miss Zeng cried and said, I hope the police can also do justice to his son as soon as possible.
Official Bulletin
Specific reasons being further investigated
RongGui official informed that the Department of Education yesterday morning, April 24 evening around 9:30,modelli moncler, RongGui secondary place an initial two students jumping events. The students have been admitted to hospital for emergency treatment Guizhou currently ICU stay in hospital for observation.
After a preliminary investigation when the incident student teacher at the end of the night looking for the student to talk to repair, the student emotional. The name of the teacher to call parents to understand the situation and arrange a student accompany the corridor outside the office. In the process of communication between teacher and parent phone, the students take advantage of the students do not pay attention, jumped over the fence from the third floor. After the teacher was found, the first time the police and 120, and to notify the parents of the students.
RongGui police personnel rushed to the site RongGui high school forensics and investigation. Schools after the event, quickly launched the emergency mechanism to follow up the progress of all the administrative things to convene and do the student's parents and school staff and students work to appease.
Currently, police have Ronggui investigation of the incident, the specific reasons for the matter is under further investigation.
Education: Life Education urgent
In case of conflict, and teachers to communicate, Ronggui two days of high school students chose to jump from the extreme way to prove himself,moncler originale, this choice led many parents lament.
Parents of students jumping in the ICU waiting room the night of the rescue, Ganchangcunduan, etc. to keep the results of the child. Student's life saved, but the aftermath of the incident caused constant. In addition it was suggested that students and teachers to communicate through all the questions, there are a lot of people make, why just because of communication problems led to jumping extreme way to solve? Students' sense of life why so weak?
From universities to schools, repeated incidents of this kind, so that school managers a headache. Western Hills Elementary School Principals Daliang Liu Yuping Schwab said the usual education for students,, schools and parents should be conscious of recommendations to guide students how to face criticism humbly accept reasonable misunderstanding of how to communicate,, rather than impulsive. Liu Yuping said that the other schools should focus on life education, rather than an empty slogan, shouting children to cherish life,, as it is to teach children grateful parents, filial piety,scarpe tipo hogan, and establish for parents,hogan blu, family responsibilities of children, social responsibility, not the his life on the line.
Industry educator, said today's children, anti setback is relatively weak, if there are problems, school administrators and other psychological effects on students to easily produce irreversible consequences. The past two years, with the pilot in Shunde settled life education, many schools began to explore the forms of life education in the incident, the school management should reflect on whether life education is missing.
(Original title: Late repair two days after the teacher talk about the boys jumped from the third floor)

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